Enjoy the March meeting which covered Individual Performance Plans!
Plus the presentation: RMRR Individual Performance Plans.
Enjoy the March meeting which covered Individual Performance Plans!
Plus the presentation: RMRR Individual Performance Plans.
Rugby Colorado issued the following clarifications on March 8th, 2019:
The HS Rugby review committee is evaluating a variety of issues involving best practices and safety. RC has asked for the referees to be diligent in ensuring that any player attempting a gator roll, keeps hands and arms below the arm pits and when neck or head are in the grasp, the culprit is immediately penalized.
A player suspected of concussion may be examined on-field by an athletic trainer or medical doctor who may conclude that the player is not concussed and may resume play. If the player is cleared by the trainer or doctor on field, the referee retains the final authority of that player’s fitness to play and may still order the player off for suspected concussion. Anytime a player with a suspected concussion leaves the field by crossing the sideline, the player MAY NOT resume play in the match.
The current HS Boys 15s season allows unlimited rosters and, consequently, rolling substitutions at dead ball stopages, until the playoffs; it is unreasonable to ask the referees to try to track substitutions. The rolling subs need not be monitored by the referee. For playoffs and championship matches the 23-player roster limit and all other U-19 substitution laws apply.
High school matches are not to exceed two 35-minute halves. If both HS captains agree to a time of 25 minute or longer halves, the referee should allow that. If captains are unable to agree on the length, then the referee should order 30-minute halves.
Any yellow card issued during a HS league match will be 10 minutes in the Sin Bin. Yellow cards issued during playoffs may vary according to playoff rules.
Please review the 2019 Foul Play Presentation with updated sanction guidelines from the February 2019 meeting. This presentation embeds the videos so it is a massive file!
Even though World Rugby tries to minimize law changes in a World Cup year, there are a few tweaks to the law book this year. While meant to be minor, there is some ongoing discussion regarding the impact of the new wording for Offside at the Ruck. Take the jump to read the details.
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Hooray, the updated 2018/2019 USA Rugby Game Management Guidelines have been published!